We are delighted to have been awarded a grant by the Garfield Weston Foundation as a contribution towards our core costs over the next two years.
The John Schofield Trust wants to increase the support we give to young people through our significant programmes. This vital investment from the Garfield Weston Foundation means we can plan and grow and have more impact on more young journalists and young people, helping them develop and realise their potential and ambitions.
Founder and trustee, Susannah Schofield said: ‘in these uncertain and unsettled times of COVID-19, the grant from the Garfield Weston Foundation is a real vote of confidence in us as an effective organisation and in the value of our work. Journalists are rightly recognised as key workers, providing accurate and impartial information about the health crisis, as well as holding the decision-makers to account. The Trust wants to ensure future newsrooms are staffed by talented journalists, whatever their backgrounds, so that all voices are heard in the upholding of democracy.’
A spokesperson for the Garfield Weston Foundation said: ‘we are delighted to support the important work of the John Schofield Trust, widening access to journalism for young people, and making newsrooms more inclusive. As the current crisis shows, we value and rely on our news, and those who report it’.
The trustees of the John Schofield Trust are enormously grateful to the Garfield Weston Foundation for its recognition of our work.