We are delighted that current mentors, Roohi Hasan and Simon Vigar, have agreed to join our advisory panel. This is a panel of Trust friends who help us out when we need a pair of extra hands or specialist advice.
Roohi is an award-winning senior producer at ITN and Roohi’s great passion is mentoring particularly disadvantaged youth. She does this personally, at work and through Prince Charles’ charity, Mosaic, as well as with the Trust. She has written about mentoring for the Financial Times and has been working to improve newsroom diversity too.
Simon is Channel 5 News’ Royal Correspondent and his association with the channel goes back to its launch. Our next scheme will mark the sixth year in which Simon has volunteered as a mentor for the Trust. Simon says feels that it ‘is so important that youngsters with no “in”, get in to journalism. As a state school pupil with no contacts but a lot of front I did get into local radio. I now know how lucky I was that my early mentors were so supportive and let me find my way. I’m delighted to pay a bit of that back’.