2021 mentee Emily Hulme has become a radio journalist with Sky News’ IRN team.
Emily started out as a reporter at Global in Lancaster in 2018 covering North Lancashire and Cumbria for Heart, Capital and LBC. She’s had a busy start to her career from covering Brexit, to huge, defining moments like the Black Lives Matter movement. Last year she moved to report in the East region and undertook producer shifts with LBC News, working on network news.
Mentor Lara Lewington (BBC Click presenter) has made Emily’s big scary move to Sky News in Osterley more doable by passing on some insight into her own experience and has carried out regular scripting sessions that Emily says have been invaluable. Mentoring sessions have really helped Emily build confidence to combat imposter syndrome. The sessions have also helped her set goals, ensuring she had the experience she needed to make the next move.
Emily is now a couple of months into the radio journalist role, where she is enjoying the thrill of live-timed bulletins and is loving being challenged with big stories on foreign affairs and writing slick, concise stories to bring to the commercial radio network. In the next few weeks, she’ll be getting out and about to report on some exciting upcoming stories too.
Emily says: ‘It’s a dream come true to be working alongside some of the Sky News team who have delivered awe-inspiring John Schofield Trust workshops over the last year.’
Congratulations Emily, and we can’t wait to hear how you get on!