Current mentee Naomi de Souza has gained a BBC credit for her work on a documentary about Coventry as the car maker of the world.
The documentary marks the first time Naomi has had a TV credit.
Classic British Cars: Made in Coventry aired on BBC Four on 17 May.
Naomi got that role as a part of a placement she did with the Grierson Trust. Naomi was part of their 2018 Doc Lab scheme.
Naomi says: ‘Getting onto the Grierson Trust Doc Lab was the beginning for me in realising I wanted to pursue a role in regional news.
‘But it also introduced to me a love of editing and storytelling through video, which I try to bring into my job as a reporter as much as I can.
‘I did the placement with Testimony Films based in Bristol, and it was a brilliant coincidence that they were making a documentary on my home city of Coventry.
‘Equally as nice was the crossover, as I covered the documentary for work at CoventryLive, and interviewed Steve Humphries who mentored me while I was at Testimony, and produced the documentary.
‘Coventry was car capital of the world, and is still a big hitter in the automotive industry, so it was really enjoyable to highlight this.’
Read Naomi’s article here.
And that’s not the only plaudit Naomi has earned. She’s also been named in a list of Asian journalists working in local news.