Lora Jones (2019) reported for her first Panorama documentary, titled ‘Debt Trap: Who’s Cashing in?’ recently.
The programme looked at the booming debt management industry and the use of Individual Voluntary Arrangements.
Lora told us, “It was a great success and we reported the story investigating the use of Individual Voluntary Arrangements for more than 10 BBC outlets. The overnight viewing figures for the programme were also 1.3 million so really strong! We also had an Online piece running on the website here to explain how the promotion of this type of debt solution has exploded on social media, particularly during the cost of living crisis: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66205669″
Lora is a Reporter for the BBC News website, focussing on business and economics developments. She was mentored by the ITV’s Matt Brindley back in 2019.