Kesewaa Browne (2021) reports on Black Panther impact

Kesewaa, a Fellow from the 2021 cohort, has written an extensive piece for BBC Culture interrogating the impact the 2018 film Black Panther has had on Hollywood.

The article follows the release of the film’s follow-up, Wakanda Forever, which has enjoyed similarly record-breaking levels of success at the box office. It considers the original film’s influence and impact on big screen diversity and representation in placing black and brown characters in lead roles – with the film’s approach described as “a giant cultural shift” and “a positive and vibrant portrayal.”

Kesewaa said, “It was great to speak to a wide variety of film experts for the piece. I spoke to people who are behind some of my favourite shows; that felt really special. 

I watched the first Black Panther film as a student and remember hoping to one day be able to write entertainment articles about Marvel films or films that have left a large cultural impact, so to write about this film has felt like a real full circle moment.” 

Read the piece in full here.