The John Schofield Trust’s award winning face-to-face mentoring scheme matches apprentice and early career journalists with experienced mentors from a different organisation. Our scheme is an exciting opportunity for young journalists to develop their professional skills. It offers access into the industry when it can be of most help – within the first five years of a news career.
We prioritise applicants who come to the industry with less privilege and fewer connections.
We invite talented print, digital and broadcast journalists with between two and five years experience to apply for the 12-month mentoring scheme, especially those from backgrounds which are under-represented in the UK and Irish media. Those chosen by a panel of trustees and advisors will be matched with an experienced journalist mentor. We expect to pair around 100 early career journalists with mentors in 2025.
Mentors are selected as the most suitable to help the candidate achieve their individual career goals. They provide support, advice and guidance throughout the 12 months. Fellows are also invited to attend further events and masterclasses on a range of journalistic topics to support their learning and develop their skills. These also provide the opportunity for early career journalists to expand their networks, getting to know new people and organisations across the industry.
Below is some information for you to consider before applying.
We hosted a virtual webinar for all applicants in May. We heard directly from past successful applicants, Fellows and Senior Fellows, and attendees had a chance to ask any questions they had about the form. You can watch the recording of the webinar here.
You need to meet all of the following criteria:
We especially welcome applications from those who come to the sector with less privilege and fewer connections, which is linked to our mission to ensure newsrooms are as diverse as the audiences they serve.
To help us make a fair selection, we need you to provide three things when you apply (via the form):
You need to do two things – apply via the application form, and once that is done, ask someone to submit a reference on your behalf.
1/ You can apply via this form. (If you want to apply via our Welsh language form you can do so here, and if you’re in Ireland you can apply via our Ireland form).
2/ Submit your reference via this form regardless of where you are based- this must be filled in by your reference, not you – and submitted by Sunday 9th June at 23:59.
Only applications with a reference will be considered.
Applications closed on Sunday 9th June at 23:59.
A panel consisting of journalists from the sector and John Schofield Trust supporters will convene to carefully consider and shortlist applications. If you are successful we will look to match you with an appropriate and compatible mentor from our Senior Fellow network, taking into consideration what you have told us you about your professional interest, goals and experience. This process takes some time, meaning all applicants will be contacted in October or November. We ask you be patient during this time.
The mentoring then officially begins in January 2025, running for 12 months to the end of December 2025.
If you have any questions regarding the application or need assistance because you have accessibility needs, contact
Q: I am based in Italy, do I qualify for the scheme?
A: Unfortunately, you are only eligible to apply for the scheme if you work and live in the UK or Ireland. We do make exceptions for those working for UK based media but temporarily based abroad for a period of time, e.g. if you work for The Times as a Foreign News reporter and are based in India for two months.
Q: I have been working as a journalist for the last six years, but on and off, and for two of these years I was part time and freelance, only doing occasional jobs in the media whilst working in another job. Am I still eligible despite being in the sector technically for over 5 years?
A: If you have worked freelance for a substantial period of time and that takes you over the 5 years eligibility criteria, we would still welcome an application – you will need to make it clear that you were part time or freelance for a substantial period.
Q: I’ve looked at your current Fellows page and you have lots of impressive journalists from the BBC and big media employers. I only work for a local newspaper, am I still eligible and will I my application be rejected because I don’t have a big enough profile?
A: Our scheme offers mentoring to print, digital, multimedia and broadcast journalists across the UK and Ireland. You do not have to work for a major media organisation to apply and benefit from our support. Our current mentoring scheme covers every corner of the media from local newspapers to big national broadcasters. We have current Fellows who fit the description you have given. Please apply!
Q: I am 52 years old and made a recent career change to become a broadcast. I am not young but I am early career. Is this scheme really for me?
A: Yes! We do not take age into consideration at all, and have had many Fellows who have come to journalism later in life, including those in their 50’s. Our criteria is that you are ‘early career,’ meaning 2-5 years in.
Q: I am in year two of my bachelors journalism degree at Warwick but have two years of experience in journalism. Am I eligible?
A: We do not offer the scheme to anyone in full time education unless you are an apprentice journalist or studying as part of a trainee programme. We have a scheme specifically for students at currently eleven institutions across the UK and Ireland, if you’re interested to find out more send us a message.
Q: How will my mentor be chosen?
A: We will choose your mentor based on what you’ve told us about your career journey and struggles so far. E.g. if you’re interested in podcast production but currently work in print, we might decide to match you up with someone who has experience of both. We will also match based on other aspects of what you’ve told us, for example if you are from Scotland we will try to match you up with someone who works close to you.